In my mailbox was actually brought to my attention by my best friend Shanise, who got it from This Chick, and well---to figure out where she got it, just go give the two of them a visit, mmk?
I had actually read the original blog, but for whatever reason, I never thought to borrow the idea until Shanise mentioned it. .
Anywhooo, In My Mailbox explores whatever is in your mailbag, or on a shopping list, or something of that sort for the week. For mine, (and I don't know if it will be this way all the time) I'm choosing to talk about the books I got for this week from the library.
It will be BORING amazing for all of you, because I am just that interesting!
(Just....go with it. K?)
I only got two books, and I'm going to try to limit myself every week to how many I bring home. I have a problem with feeling pressured, and I feel I need to read books because they're due back soon, I won't have any desire to read them at all. So they'll sit, until I decide to take them back-unread. I don't want that to happen. (I have two kids, and a house to maintain.)
Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher.
I have actually already read this book. And I loved it. I wish it had ended a little differently, and yet I can't think of a way I would have liked for it to end. I believe it probably ended the only way it could, for it to still seem real.
I wouldn't be giving too much away to tell you a bit about the book.
A young girl named Hannah commits suicide. Before ending her life, she creates audiotapes directed towards certain individuals. These individuals are the people she holds responsible for her death. The tapes unveil a series of events, that ultimately pushed the young girl to insanity. Her only escape is to kill herself, but she felt the people responsible needed to know why she did it. So she tells them. Her instructions (and I won't go into detail) are for them to pass the tapes from one person to the next, until the final person has heard their role.
She's witty, and she's raw. She holds nothing back, making you want to keep reading until you reach the very end. Until you know everything that happened to push her to such extremes.
As an aspiring author, this novel leaves me thinking, "Now I want to create something like that, forget Twilight."(despite Twilight's success.)
Moving on to book two "In My Mailbox".
The Girl She Used To Be, by David Cristofano
You can read more about the book here. I got it due to a recommendation by Someday I'll Get There. I figured I'd give it a go, and once I've read it, I'll try to do a review on the book. (Without giving anything away, of course.)
So that's it for my In My Mailbox post this week. See ya next Monday!
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