Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I got this from Someday I'll Get There....let me know if you decide to post it, so I can have a looksie. :)

1.Candy corn: Your thoughts?
Don't like it. If I'm going to eat sweets, I want them to taste better than that.

2. Briefly, what was the first conversation you ever had with your spouse? (or best friend, if you're not married.) (Or someone significant, like your librarian.)
There is no way in hell I could ever remember that. I was in like third grade. Literally. Maybe even younger. The first memory I have, is standing on opposite sides of our yards (he lived behind me growing up), and him hitting me in the head with a rock. Now that wasn't very nice, was it? Haha.

3. Could you ever become a vegetarian?
I am a vegetarian. I have relapsed before. So no, I am not a perfect vegetarian. But it is important to me. I'm just weak. (damn cashew chicken.)

4. Have you ever dressed up your pet in a costume?
I have an iguana. Something tells me he wouldn't like that very much.

5. Name something about childhood that you miss (like Clark Bars, Tea berry Gum, Malibu Barbie, cracking fake eggs on people's heads with your fist and "It's the Great Pumpkin" airing only once a year).
My grandmother was alive. And to quite honest, that's all I miss.

6. Have you ever won a trophy? If not, what do you deserve a trophy for?
In fifth grade, I made it to the top five in the city wide spelling bee. (I wonder if that trophy still exists....)

7. When do you think is the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music each year?
When Thanksgiving is over. I don't think people give Thanksgiving enough credit.

8. What is your favorite board game?
Probably Checkers.

9. How do you feel about surprises (receiving, not giving)?
It depends on who it's from, and what it is. I don't like to feel uncomfortable. I also don't like to feel indebted to anyone.

10. Is it easy for you to say "I'm sorry?"
When I mean it. (I don't say it if I don't though...soo....yes, it is easy.)

11. What is your favorite candle scent?
I don't really have a favorite. I prefer incense if I'm going for the smell.

12. October is traditionally "open house" time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?
Light snacks? Um...fruit. Sorry guys, I love my fruit. I would show them my art, though I am self conscious about it, usually. (Note, I would never allow that many people in my house at once. I hate it.)

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